Dec 28, 2019 | Academy, Book Reviews, paranormal, YA
When the story opens Ylva and her classmates have committed the unthinkable and in an attempt to rectify the situation, they find themselves in even more danger and where secrets can easily be revealed. Not only is Ylva trapped with her roommate, but the popular girl...
Dec 20, 2019 | Academy, Book Reviews, fantasy, paranormal, Uncategorized, YA
Afterlife Academy Book 1 – Valkyrie 102 by Arizona Tape In this second installment, the story picks up right where the first book finished. With new powers placing her in danger and allies and relationships being redefined, Ylva needs to face new challenges head...
Oct 13, 2019 | Book Reviews, fantasy, YA
Nathaniel Grey and the Obsidian Crown (Book 2 of the Phoenix Saga) by Farrell Keeling YA Fantasy 369 pages, published June 2019 This YA fantasy novel hits all the right notes for an epic fantasy journey between an unlikely crew of young adults, the title character...
Jul 14, 2019 | Book Reviews, Romance, Sweet Romance
Some things are as comforting as watching a Hallmark movie or eating a warm chocolate chip cookie, and that’s what this sweet love story was like. A meet-cute setup that was pretty obvious from the start, sketch in things that can’t be explained like how a...