Sep 25, 2019 | Author Business
Do you have a web admin? Or even someone who updates your website for you? For many authors, they say they do it themselves. Others don’t have websites at all. (Tip: You still need a website even in this day and age.) Having someone who updates their website for...
Sep 22, 2019 | Author Business
When you’re a part of the writing community on social media, you see a lot of covers. Book promotion companies share titles, as do authors. For many of these, you see the same covers over and over again. There are covers that catch your eye and make you want to...
Sep 17, 2019 | Writing Tips & Advice
One of the most rewarding, and the most frustrating, things I do on my own work is format them for print. Now that I have the formula down, including remembering odd pages are right pages and even ones are left when it comes to the book (in other words, opposite of...
Sep 8, 2019 | Author Business
If you do your own ebook formatting and don’t use a program like Vellum or Jutoh, there’s a good chance, especially if you’re enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, that you provide a word document to Amazon and let it convert the book into its format. Then,...
Aug 26, 2019 | Site Announcements
I’ve started to gather links that I’ve found interesting and helpful to authors, both new and old. I’ve created an author resource link page. You’ll see it linked at the bottom of every page in the footer. We only have a few links now, but are...