There are a lot of blogs I love to read. Most of the time, I don’t read them. Why? Because I forget to go check daily. There are RSS readers, which will parse the RSS feed of your blog (you’ll see the icon for ours in the header and footer) and then send it to your feed reader. This is, alas, yet another program for me to deal with and while a quick google search shows how to add it to my gmail. Still, that’s something more technical for me (or anyone else) to do.
The easy way? Have a signup box on your website! If you use WordPress and have JetPack connected, then JetPack provides a blog subscription box. Ours is at the top of our sidebar. Put your email address in it and each blog will be sent right to your email.
That’s how I prefer to read blogs. I have a few of my favorite technical and non-technical ones sent to my inbox that way. I can be sure I don’t miss a single post. And you don’t want your readers to miss your posts either, so make sure you have a signup box.
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