Mar 18, 2020 | Hosting & Services
As I’m adding and updating my services, I thought I’d take a few blog posts and talk about the work I do here at My Author Home. Up first, one of the most important jobs for self-published authors– book formatting. Check out our book formatting...
Sep 17, 2019 | Writing Tips & Advice
One of the most rewarding, and the most frustrating, things I do on my own work is format them for print. Now that I have the formula down, including remembering odd pages are right pages and even ones are left when it comes to the book (in other words, opposite of...
Sep 8, 2019 | Author Business
If you do your own ebook formatting and don’t use a program like Vellum or Jutoh, there’s a good chance, especially if you’re enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, that you provide a word document to Amazon and let it convert the book into its format. Then,...